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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The local TV Media tells stories rather than the truth…

I woke up Sunday to the local TV news talking about the “Governor raising taxes…” and while I was opening an eye I heard that the taxes would be raising by about 25 cents per gallon at the pump (they later explained that this might be over 5 years). They continued interviewing people and asking about these new taxes and how they (the interviewees) would be forced to choose between gas and food“…for their children”.

What they failed to bring out was the taxes that are being considered are against the oil companies and not the consumers and that these taxes would be used to fix the bridges and roads within the Commonwealth that have been falling down and are in deplorable condition. It was recently put in plain language during a visit to Harrisburg that if you go to a gas station and purchase a 16 oz. soda you pay for taxes on the entire soda but the oil companies would currently only pay taxes on 8 oz.’s (or half of the amount you would pay) on their product. And, that these proposed taxes may, or may not be passed onto the consumers (by the way, what happened to the 50-60 cent reduction in gas prices that the media hyped right before the elections?).
The governor is actually proposing cutting the current tax on gas by 17% for "us" consumers (about 2 cents per gallon). So, unlike the news of the 50’s and 60’s where you would listen to the news as being the truth, today’s “fluff managers”, have their own agenda that gets passed off as reality. This is what happens when they (Disney and G.E., who own most of the media outlets) get hundreds of millions of your tax dollars from this administration.
But, I have noticed that they do not spend time on how this administration is trying to attack the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution. How can they (Homeland Security) buy 7,000 AR-15’s as “Personal Protection Devices” when Obama wants to ban them for American citizens as “Assault Weapons”. I am just as concerned as to why Homeland Security has purchased 450 million rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammunition, which, by the way, is in violation of the Geneva Convention and can’t be used on the battle field so what are they (Obama’s administration) planning to use them on, (you or your children maybe)?
Why is the media not examining why this administration is as trying to attack Americans, on American soil (using drones) doing away with the protection of the 5th Amendment’s “Due Process Clause” that guarantees all our rights under the Bill of Rights and the other Amendments? What happened to their oaths of protecting the Constitution? I would suggest copying the Bill of Rights and send it to your local/state and federal elected official and let them know you are watching them which will probably allow them to read it for the first time ever.
So, now is the time for American’s (especially the "Silent majority”) to wake up and look at those politicians/media for what they do not just the rhetoric they spew during the run-up to the elections or stories. Listen for the real truth in the media not just the stuff/fluff they try to feed us on a daily bases. Or, as time goes on we will stop being citizens of a free society and start being subjects under the control of those more interested in the millions they can acquire for themselves (politicians or/and the media types) than informing you of the wrongful actions done while hiding us from the real truth.
William Merrell, Chairman
Washington County Republican Party

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